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Exhibition details

Nishijin Gold Brocade Exhibition

 Nishijin district has produced quality textiles for over 1,200 years. Based on the design sketch, the dyed silk yarn is woven to produce the textiles which have elaborate patterns. Nishijin-ori textiles are known around the world for its highest quality.

 Gold brocades are the essence of Nishijin-ori textiles. They value tradition and formality.
The richly decorative brocades are used for clothing for the Buddhist and Shinto priests, Noh costume, Kyoto-style dolls’ costume, hanging scrolls, and the implements for the tea ceremony.

Time9:00 ~ 17:00
PlaceGallery of the Kyoto Museum of Traditional Crafts FUREAIKAN
OrganizerNishijin Textile Industrial Association (Gold brocade Promotion Committee),
Kyoto Traditional Industries Foundation
Joint sponsorKyoto City,
Kyoto Prefecture

Scheduled exhibitions

Currently there are no scheduled exhibitions.

Past exhibitions